How to store cottonseed
To store cottonseeds, first select good quality cottonseeds. The seed is full before the frost, and the germplasm is hard, mature, and resistant to storage. Therefore, the seed cotton harvested at different stages should be planted in stages, and mature cottonseeds harvested before frost should be selected for storage. The seed coat of cottonseed is hard, there are short cashmere outside, there is an air layer between seed coat and seed kernel, and it can be stored for a long time under low temperature and dry conditions. It is a long-lived seed in agricultural crops. However, if it is improperly stored, mildew will be generated and the viability will be lost within 5 to 6 months from flowering to sowing. In the storage of cotton, care should be taken to: 1. Reduce the moisture content, cotton seeds with water content less than 11% are suitable for long-term storage, even if heated, frozen, will not affect the seed germination rate. If the seed moisture content is more than 13%, the seeds are often heated and deteriorated because of strong respiration. Therefore, the high moisture cottonseed should be promptly cooled and dried to reduce the moisture content. 2. Stored on piles, cotton seeds are less scattered and suitable for heap storage. Bulk in bulk should not exceed 1/2 of the storage capacity in general, so as to facilitate ventilation. Areas with less rain and snow in winter and spring can be stacked in the open air. The size of the earthworm can be determined according to the number of seeds. The general practice is to pad a good bottom, spread 50 cm thick cotton seeds, layer by layer stacking, step by step stepping, and tighten around hard, gradually shrink from the bottom up, forming a narrow width, high 3 to 4 Rice with cottonseed meal. The top is in an oval shape. After stacking, pick up the roof and surrounding it, or use a lawn curtain to prevent rain and snow from intruding.