9 properties and 61 vehicles of Changchun Changsheng Subsidiary were seized

On August 2, Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. received the “Calculation Decision Book” of Changchun New Public Security Bureau Changchun New District Bureau. According to the provisions of Article 139 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, Changchun Changsheng’s subsidiary 9 properties and 61 vehicles were seized.

Changchun Changsheng was implemented other risk warnings since its opening on July 26, 2018. The company's stock abbreviation has been changed from “longevity organisms” to “ST longevity”.

On July 30, all 34 bank accounts of the company and all its subsidiaries were frozen and the project was suspended.

After the stock price fell for 11 consecutive days, it was directly valued at zero.

The follow-up issue of the rabies vaccine incident needs to be further finalized.

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