Straw micro-storage is to add crop stalks to micro-organisms efficient active strains - jujube straw fermentation live dry bacteria, into a certain sealed container (such as cement, crypts, tanks, plastic bags, etc.) or ground fermentation, after a certain fermentation In the process, crop straws are turned into feeds with acid, fragrant, and flavoured tastes that domestic animals like. Because it is fermented by the microorganisms in storage, it is called micro-storage, and its feed is called micro-feeds. The manufacturing method of micro-storage is: before the solution, the bacteria species are poured into water and fully dissolved, and sugar can also be added first in the water, and after the solution is dissolved, live and dried bacteria are added to increase the recovery rate. After that, it should be kept at room temperature for 1-2 hours to regenerate the bacteria (the preparation of good bacteria must be used up on the same day). The rejuvenated good agent was poured into a well-dissolved 1% salt solution and mixed well, and the amount of salt solution and the amount of bacteria solution was determined according to the type of the straw. One ton of green corn stalks, corn stalks, rice or wheat straw plus a certain amount of live dried bacteria, salt, water, different microbial agents have different feeding requirements. Straw cut short with conventional silage. The short straw is spread on the bottom of the cellar, and the thickness is about 20-25 cm. The bacterial liquid is evenly sprayed. After compaction, 20-25 cm of straw is laid, and then the bacterial liquid is sprayed and compacted until it is 40 cm higher than the pit opening. Sprinkle the salt powder evenly on the top layer, and then seal with a plastic film after compaction. The amount of salt used is 250 grams per square meter. The goal is to ensure that the upper part of the micro-feed does not produce mold deterioration. After covering with a plastic film, spread 20-30 cm thick straw on the top, cover the soil 15-20 cm, sealed. After the straw micro-storage, the storage material in the pits will slowly sink. It should be covered in a timely manner to make it higher than the ground, and a drainage ditch should be dug around to prevent the infiltration of rainwater. Open cellar with conventional silage. In the micro-storage of wheat straw and rice straw should be added 5% of corn flour, bran or barley flour, in order to improve the quality of micro-storage. When adding wheat flour, corn flour, and bran, pave a layer of straw and sprinkle a layer of powder, then spray the bacteria solution once. During the spraying and compaction process, it is necessary to check whether the moisture content of the straw is appropriate and uniform. Pay special attention to the connection of moisture between layers, and do not emerge dry layers. Check the moisture content by grabbing the straw sample and twisting it with both hands. If there is water dripping down, the water content is about 80% or more; if there is no water drop, after seeing it, the moisture on the hand is obvious. About 60%, the moisture content of micro-feeds in the 60% -65% is the best. Spraying equipment should be easy to apply, small water pump, back sprayer can be. Peptide Powder,Collagen Powder,High Purity Ipamorelin,Bodybuilding Gdf-8 Myostatin Powder Shaanxi YXchuang Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,