Detection Institution:Eurofins
Batch No:RBGQ2017002
Size: 280 grains/50grams
Over 60 health studies have been conducted thus far on the benefits of the Dried Goji Berries.The results of these studies show positive and strong results indicating various health benefits to those daily diet consists of ingesting the dried goji berries.
Traditional Chinese medicine has used goji berries to enhance body functions,such as immune system,increased sperm production,increased liver functions,increase blood circulation and even improve eyesight problems and many others.
Conventional Dried Goji Berries Conventional Dried Goji Berries,Dried Conventional Wolfberry,Conventional Organic Dried Goji Berries,Conventional Sweet Dried Goji Berries Ningxia Red Power Goji Co., Ltd. , http://www.redpowergoji.com
The medical effect of genetically modified fish can cure lung disease, liver disease and even cancer
Perhaps one day, genetically modified fish may be used to provide humans with proteins to treat diseases such as lung diseases, liver diseases and even cancer. This is not a joke. Now, scientists in Britain and the United States and Florida have already used human blood coagulation factors from fish to help people suffering from hemophilia and accidental injuries. Now scientists have listed a list of more than 20 kinds of human proteins that can be obtained from fish. Researchers for the transgenic fish project, Norman Maclean of Southampton University in the UK and AquaGene of Florida said that they are coagulation Factor VII factors extracted from tilapia. Therefore, it is not impossible to extract protein from genetically modified fish. However, these genetically modified substances are not completely safe. Take Factors Factor VII, these factors can be directly injected into the body's blood, purified by the blood, but at the same time may also spread the disease. Researchers say they need further research to come up with more effective methods. Of course, this will take some time.