We supply specialties, which is food indicated to have specific health functions. That is suitable for specific food groups, can regulate body functions, not to treat the disease for the purpose of food.
Nutritional Supplements,Nutritional Products,Regional Specialties,Nutritional Specialties Sinochem Jiangsu Co., Ltd. , http://www.sinochemnutrition.com
2. In the usual form and method of ingestion.
3. Marked with a label biological adjustment functions.
How to disassemble the dispensing pump
1. Do not remove the detachable parts without removing them. 2. When the distribution pump is in operation, a small oil pan should be used to take the outflow of diesel oil. 3. When disassembling the oil pump rotor, it must be removed in the direction of rotation of the distribution rotor. Use a special wrench when disassembling. 4. Distribute the small screw in the middle of the right end of the pump rotor. 5, timing ring Do not disassemble the cam ring, because it is fixed in the shell by its own elasticity, the positioning has been calibrated at the factory, difficult to calibrate after removal. 6. When disassembling the spline cover and the front and rear control boards, pay attention to its original assembly position so that it can be installed. Only slightly adjust the front and rear control boards when adjusting the maximum fuel supply. 7. If there is no fault in the pressure regulator valve assembly, do not disassemble it. If it is necessary to disassemble, pay attention to the pressure regulator valve spring not to be lost and replace it according to the original position. 8, in the removal of the delta access disk, should be marked at the junction, so that the installation in the mark reinstall.