The yolk is the yellowish part of the egg. Most of the protein in the egg is concentrated in the yolk. The egg yolk is also a part of the nutrients in the egg. The main minerals, vitamins, phospholipids in the egg are in the yolk. The main components of the egg yolk are 17.5% protein, 32.5% fat, approximately 48% water and 2% minerals, and a variety of vitamins. Most of the fat in eggs is concentrated in the yolk portion. The fat in the egg yolk is dominated by monounsaturated fatty acids, and more than half of it is the main component of olive oil – oleic acid, which is good for preventing heart disease. Most of the vitamins are concentrated in the yolk. There are valuable vitamin A and vitamin D in the egg yolk, as well as vitamin E and vitamin K. These are "fat-soluble vitamins." Water-soluble vitamin B family also exists in the egg yolk. The reason why the egg yolk is light yellow is because it contains riboflavin, and riboflavin is vitamin B2, which can prevent bad mouth corner, glossitis, lip rift and so on. Various trace elements are also concentrated in the egg yolk. There is a lot of phosphorus in the egg yolk, there are a lot of iron. At the same time, all the lecithins in eggs are from the yolk, and lecithin can provide choline, which helps to synthesize an important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Therefore, the baby's first supplementary food is often egg yolk. Egg yolk is good for children's iron supplementation, and it is also good for children's brain development. The lutein and zeaxanthin contained in the egg yolk can also help the eye to filter out harmful ultraviolet rays, delay the aging of the eyes, and prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataract. Cloud Storage Video Doorbell,Smart Camera,Wireless Night Vision Camera,Night Vision Camera Shenzhen Zuomi Technology Co., Ltd. ,