A fatty acid can effectively cope with C. difficile

A fatty acid can effectively cope with C. difficile

December 24, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Tian discipline

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Imperial College of Science and Technology recently said that the school's researchers have found a fatty acid that can effectively cope with C. difficile, and it is expected to prevent intestinal diseases in a more concise way.

The destruction of a healthy intestinal environment is the main cause of intestinal infections, and Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of disease. At present, mainly by injecting antibiotics and human feces extracts, although more effective, more and more C. difficile has become resistant to antibiotics; and the process of fecal microbial transplantation is extremely cumbersome, requiring donor feces. Samples are taken for processing, and donors are regularly tested for bacteria, HIV, and hepatitis viruses, and patients are treated with colonoscopy or oral capsules.

A team led by Dr. MacDonald, head of the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College of Science, conducted a comparative study of clinical trials, animal models, and even robotic intestines, revealing for the first time how the patient's intestines were repeatedly infected with C. difficile. They found that there is a fatty acid in the human gut that exists in the form of natural molecules, called valerate, which can effectively inhibit the proliferation of C. difficile. "C. difficile will grow well when valerate is reduced by antibiotics; valerate will increase by inhibiting the growth of C. difficile by using fecal microbial transplantation," McDonald said.

Researchers hope to make this molecule a pill in the future, replacing the treatment of antibiotics and fecal extracts.

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