Acetyl-CoA accumulation or promotion of liver cancer metastasis

Acetyl-CoA accumulation or promotion of liver cancer metastasis

January 23, 2019 Source: Health News Network Author: Liu Yan Luming

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Metastasis is an important feature of tumors and the leading cause of death in cancer patients. A team study by Professor Qin Lunxiu of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University found that the down-regulation of the metabolic enzyme acyl-CoA liposulfase 12 (ACOT12) is closely related to the liver cancer metastasis and the worse prognosis of patients with liver cancer. The metabolite acetyl-CoA (Acetyl-CoA) The accumulation of levels is likely to be a driving factor for liver cancer metastasis. Related papers have recently been published online in the internationally renowned academic journal Cell Metabolism.

Metabolic reprogramming is one of the important features of tumor cells and plays a key role in the adaptation of tumor cells to their biomacromolecular synthesis and rapid proliferation. At present, little is known about the specificity of tumor metastasis, especially the metabolic changes that drive tumor metastasis. This is one of the research hotspots in the field of tumor metabolism. Acetyl-CoA is a key metabolic intermediate in cells. It is known that intracellular acetyl-CoA levels are closely related to many important biological processes such as cell growth, programmed cell death, and autophagy. In the past year or so, several research papers have reported that acetyl-CoA can promote the phenotype of invasion and metastasis of various tumors such as breast cancer, glioma and prostate cancer.

This study lasted for 5 years and confirmed that ACOT12 is a key enzyme regulating the metabolism of acetyl-CoA in liver cancer cells. The down-regulation of ACOT12 can cause the increase of acetyl-CoA levels and histone acetylation levels in hepatoma cells, and then activate TWIST2 (tumor epithelium) by apparent activation. The expression of an important transcription factor in mesenchymal transition promotes the process of hepatic epithelial-mesenchymal transition and liver cancer metastasis. The researchers verified the association between acetyl-CoA accumulation and hepatocarcinoma metastasis in human hepatocarcinoma and mouse orthotopic liver cancer xenograft models, and the correlation between ACOT12 expression and acetyl-CoA levels, histone acetylation levels, and TWIST2 gene expression. Sex.

Qin Lunxiu is also the director of the Institute of Cancer Metastasis of Fudan University. He is the author of this study. Dr. Lu Ming, the general practitioner of Huashan Hospital, is the first author and co-corresponding author of this article. Dr. Zhu Wenwei of the General Surgery is the co-first author of this article. The research was led by Prof. Xiong Yue from the University of North Carolina, Professor Ye Dan of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Fudan University, Associate Researcher Yu Hongxiu and Associate Researcher Shen Guang, and the guidance and help of Gao Daming, a researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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