What are the new technologies for the management of Nanyu Grapes?

Nanyu grape key management new technology:

Summer trim. Summer pruning is the basic guarantee for stable production, high yield, high quality and good harvest in the current year and next year. The pruning should be scientific, diligent and timely. The result of the Nanyu grape is .......

Recent vegetable planting management points

Recent vegetable greenhouse management points:

1, protect the front face

In the northern area, before the coming of the windy and cool weather, close the tuyere in advance, especially the front face tuyere, and fix the laminating rope to prevent the strong wind from smashing the sh.......

Pumpkin growth management technology

Fertilizer management: Topdressing is generally divided into three times. For the first time, before the vine or period of closure, combined with cultivating and weeding, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer. The second time in the fruiting stage, nitrogen fertilizer is applied, and.......

Edible fungus topdressing is very knowledgeable

In the late stage of edible mushroom production, in order to enhance the stamina of the mushroom, the mushroom farmers often add nutrient solution for top dressing. However, only the right method can be added to achieve the intended purpose.

First, we must pay attention to the addi.......

Fertilizer and water management in autumn corn jointing stage

Autumn corn is currently entering the middle and late stage of jointing and booting stage. This is the fastest growing period of corn growth and the key period of fertilizer and water management. The following points should be focused on:

To reapply the ear fertilizer to obtain high.......