Dental Amalgamator,Amalgamator Machine,Dental Amalgam Price,Dental Amalgamator Machine ZHEJIANG FOMOS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. , Why the vegetable fertilizer can increase the production of vegetables to make a substantial increase in income, we must work hard in terms of both yield and quality. Only good quality has a good unit price! The growth of vegetables requires certain soil conditions. Only by creating suitable soil environmental conditions can the purpose of high yield and good harvest be achieved. The soil consists of three major components: minerals, organic matter, and microorganisms, and is the basis for the growth and development of cucumbers. The beneficial microorganisms in the soil are directly involved in the formation and development of a series of soil fertility, such as the conversion of matter and energy in the soil, the formation and decomposition of humus, the release of nutrients, and the fixation of nitrogen. By artificially increasing the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, it is possible to enhance the activity of microorganisms in the soil and thereby increase the fertility of the soil. In particular, the microbial activity of cucumber rhizosphere soil microecological flora is more important for plant root nutrition. Therefore, applying microbiological fertilizers to the rhizosphere of cucumber plants can increase the number and activity of beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere soil, resulting in enhanced soil fertility. This is the scientific principle behind the application of gold A baby fertilizer to increase soil fertility and increase vegetable yield.