Release date: 2010-11-24 Source: Pharmaceutical Economics Panipenem,Panipenem Powder,Panipenem Intermediate,Panipenem Side Chain Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd ,
Companies that are willing to implement technology investments may be slightly better than most small medical device manufacturers or those who have recently entered the market.
An infusion pump is a device that delivers a therapeutic fluid at a predetermined rate. These therapeutic fluids can be either drugs or nutrients. Over the years, humans have done a lot of research work on infusion pumps, and have developed infusion pumps that can better control the amount and timing of liquid delivery. The most common way to deliver these fluids is by intravenous injection, however, therapists may prefer to use epidural or subcutaneous injections under specific requirements.
Currently, there are different types of infusion pumps on the market, and their design is based on different therapeutic purposes. But it is important that the selected infusion pump delivers the fluid at the desired rate and flow rate. In general, the infusion pump can be divided into two subgroups, an electric infusion pump and a gravity infusion pump. The electric infusion pump has a microchip that controls the delivery of the liquid; the gravity-controlled infusion pump has a regulator that operates as a clamp to change the flow.
Drug infusion pumps have different uses in different environments and treatments. Based on this, a variety of infusion pumps are being produced and brought to market. As a result, drug delivery pump manufacturers are also realigning their sales strategies and product delivery principles to attract patients.
Indian market prices fall
In 2009, India sold approximately 11,400 infusion pumps worth 345 million rupees. This data does not include sales of outpatient infusion pumps and implantable infusion pumps. According to observations, the price of infusion pumps has fallen by more than 5%; therefore, a 14% increase in sales does not translate into a corresponding increase in the total value of the market.
In the infusion pump market, the infusion pump is in a leading position. In 2009, a total of 8,550 were sold, valued at 248 million rupees, contributing a total of 72% to the entire market.
Sales of volumetric infusion pumps amounted to Rs. 97 million and sold approximately 2,850.
Infusion pump suppliers include Baxter (India), Biomed Systems, Johnson & Johnson Codman, Erkadi Systems, KM Biomed, Medical Point and many more.
Growth momentum
The Indian drug infusion pump market has potential growth prospects. India can provide cost-effective and high-quality health care services that are driving the development of local medical tourism. To this end, pharmaceutical infusion pump manufacturers are investing their development strategies in these emerging markets.
In the foreseeable future, the increased incidence of chronic diseases associated with aging (such as cancer, diabetes, and neurological diseases) may continue to place strong demand for drug infusion pumps.
Technological innovation is also driving the development of this industry. These innovative activities aim to develop wireless, user-friendly, intelligent infusion pumps with high-tech safety features such as Dose Calculation/Error Reduction Software (DERS), Computer Order Entry System (CPOE), and warning of infusion pump failures. Early warning system and blood glucose monitor for insulin pumps.
For manufacturers, the increase in revenue may be in the disposables market. In fact, the sale of disposable infusion tubes and feeding tubes may create a steady stream of revenue for both volumetric infusion pumps and enteral nutrition pump manufacturers. Implantable and insulin pumps are expected to be areas of high sales and high growth rates, and technological improvements (emphasizing that they have a greater advantage over similar treatments) may be welcomed by patients and the medical community. In addition, a large number of target groups in these two areas are likely to be a lucrative long-term source of income.
Infusion pump progress
Although infusion pumps have been used in liquid and drug delivery systems for some time, the potential use of these devices is increasing as they become more compact. The original infusion pumps were cumbersome, but today they are evolving into easy-to-use forms, including portable, mobile and implantable infusion pumps. Many advanced infusion pumps today combine dose/rate calculation tools to help nurses calculate the correct dose rate for infusion pumps, thereby reducing input errors in computational and transcriptional data.
There are still many market opportunities for patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pumps and insulin pumps. The PCA pump allows the patient to take responsibility for the pain. These pumps can be either implanted or external, they are discrete, durable, and easy to control. Insulin pumps are implantable, injectable and mobile. As the incidence of diabetes increases rapidly around the world, insulin pumps and other insulin delivery devices are constantly changing to meet market demand. Although non-invasive insulin therapy devices are being introduced to the market, the market demand for insulin infusion pumps is still high, as they become more user-friendly by using higher precision and built-in blood glucose monitors.
In addition, patients' resistance to their respective insulin injection patterns is directly related to their blood glucose readings. Long-term lack of control over blood sugar can lead to changes in life, sometimes leading to fatal diabetic complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness and amputation. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor blood glucose by continuously and effectively injecting insulin and maintain a stable blood glucose reading. The emergence of these minimally invasive therapies will only increase the patient's compliance with insulin and help them stay healthy.
Future market opportunities
Manufacturers must survive in the infusion pump market, and most will depend on technological innovation or adjustment. Companies that are willing to implement technology investments may be slightly better than most small medical device manufacturers or those who have recently entered the market. In fact, a convenient interface will be a major prerequisite for future purchases.
Medical device manufacturers are working to develop infusion pumps that are easier to manage and monitor, safe and economical, and to help healthcare professionals avoid medical errors associated with infusion pumps. This upgrade may lead to greater demand for hospitals. An advanced feature available in the infusion pump system is the integration of the system with the hospital's IT platform to share relevant information. This helps electronically transmit patient information, reduces errors, and provides effective treatment. In today's market where there is little difference between similar products, product differentiation may be a key factor in success.