Scientists have discovered that a protein can promote healthy heart muscle thickening

Scientists have discovered that a protein can promote healthy heart muscle thickening

August 14, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Canadian scientists have recently discovered that a protein called "Heart Nutrient-1" can help cardiomyocyte enlargement, thicken the heart muscle, and enhance heart function. This discovery provides a new way to treat heart disease.

Cardiac hypertrophy can be caused by various factors such as increased load and hormone stimulation. Physiological cardiac hypertrophy caused by exercise and pregnancy is beneficial, and pathological cardiac hypertrophy caused by abnormal conditions can damage the heart. In both cases, the manner in which cardiomyocytes expand, the changes in cardiac structure and function are quite different.

Regarding the role of cardiac nutrient-1, there has been some controversy in the academic community. Researchers from the Ottawa Hospital of Canada and the University of Ottawa have reported in the journal Nature Research, a journal of the journal Nature, that they have confirmed through animal experiments that the protein is indeed beneficial to the heart, can repair myocardial damage, improve blood supply, and relieve stress. Deficiency symptoms. The researchers used cardiotrophin-1 to treat patients with heart failure caused by different causes, and achieved significant results.

Researchers say that patients with heart damage are often unable to exercise adequately, and Cardiotrophin-1 may be of great help to them. Next, the researchers will test the effects of the protein on the human body and seek to use it for medical practice.

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