Cucumbers are not harmful to roots

At the moment, the wintering and spring cucumbers in the greenhouse have reached the end of the growing season, and the vegetable farmers have started to pull out the gardens. However, many vegetable farmers have “stolen and cut the material.......

Ornamental gourd and cultivation techniques

Ornamental gourd ornamental gourd belongs to the genus Cucurbitaceae, native to the tropics, only for viewing, not edible.

1. Main varieties and characteristics

(1) Small gourd. Roots are underdeveloped, vine herb, with soft hairs,.......

Winter melon cultivation points

Do a good job in seed treatment, prepare nutrient soil and other seedling measures, and cultivate no disease and insects and strong melon seedlings. Seedling management: including seedbed temperature regulation and refining, regulating humidity, r.......

Potato seedling management points

The whole growth period of potato can be divided into six periods: dormancy, germination, seedling, germination, potato and maturity.

Dormancy: Newly harvested potato tubers must be germinated after a certain period of time under appropria.......

Does winter irrigation have a role in fruit trees?

A: In the years when there is less snow in winter, winter irrigation can increase soil water content and prevent winter and early spring drought. In addition, the increase of water content in the soil is conducive to the absorption of water and nutrients by the root system, thereby increas.......

Corn has white seedlings to supplement zinc most effective

From the 4th leaf stage, the leaf color of the base of the new leaves became yellowish white; in the 5-6 leaf stage, the yellowish and pale green stripes appeared in the 1st to 3rd leaves of the heart, but the veins were still green and the base a.......

Cherry planting conditions

The cherries are the transliteration of the English word cherry (cherry), which is literally translated as "cherry" in Taiwan, Guangdong and Hong Kong. But it does not refer to a small-colored red-skinned Chinese cherries, but a large-th.......

Technical points for growing eggplant to increase yield

Eggplant is a very popular vegetable, but many farmers do not know how to effectively increase the yield of eggplant. As the demand for eggplant market continues to rise, it is very important to learn more ways to increase eggplant production. The growers introduced th.......

Apple tree

1. Master the appropriate time for fertilization. Generally, early-maturing varieties are applied after fruit picking, and mid-late maturing varieties are applied before and after fruit picking, preferably sooner rather than later. For example, when the temperature is high and the rainfall.......