The suitable weaning time of piglets can be determined according to the specific conditions of the farm. Large-scale pig farms have generally adopted early weaning measures and breastfeeding takes 28 to 35 days. In general, it is best not to produce weaning earlier than 21 to 28 days of age, so as to avoid additional difficulties for piglet breeding and affect the survival rate of piglets. 2. Reduce weaning stress weaning piglet body weight should generally be 5.5 kg, but must refer to the accumulation of feed intake during lactation, cumulative intake per head should not be less than 1 kg. When the galactorrhea time is allowed to exceed 2 to 3 days, the greater the weight of each litter is, the first is to be weaned. The ambient temperature is maintained between 27 and 30°C. Weanling piglets were reared on a weight basis. Every 4 to 5 piglets are provided with a feed chute, and a waterer is provided for every 20 to 25 piglets.
We may have heard of the Zoom Bullet Camera, so what is the Zoom Bullet Camera/ Bullet Zoom Security Cameras/ Bullet Zoom Digital Cameras/ Smart Zoom Bullet Camera/ Zoom Lens Bullet Cameras/ Zoom Bullet Camera HD? We know that the Bullet refers to the camera shape, so what about the Zoom? Actually, the Zoom refers to a type of the camera lens. Today let me introduce the camera lens for you.
Zoom Bullet Camera Zoom Bullet Camera, Bullet Zoom Security Cameras, Bullet Zoom Digital Cameras, Smart Zoom Bullet Camera, Zoom Lens Bullet Cameras, Zoom Bullet Camera HD​ SHENZHEN SANAN TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,
1. Feed intake as soon as possible, to promote the fastest growing piglets high quality, containing lysine 1.10% to 1.255%, crude protein content of 18% to 20%.
I have introduced the camera lens and 2 classifications for you before. Today please let me introduce another parameter of the camera lens for you---the Wide Dynamic.
So what is the Wide Dynamic?
The Wide Dynamic actually refers to the brightness ratio of the brightest and darkest parts of the image that the user can see at the same time via the camera. The Dynamic Range broadly refers to the changing span of a changing thing, that is, the range from the lowest point and the highest point of its changing value, which is usually described as the difference between the highest point and the lowest point. Well, the Ddynamic Range of a camera refers to the ability of the camera to adapt to the light reflection of the scene in the shooting scene, specifically the range of brightness (contrast) and color temperature (contrast); which means the camera's adjustment range of the "darkest" and "brightest" of the image, or the ratio of the lightest tone to the darkest tone in a still image/video frame. And the hue can show the precise details in the image or frame. As the ratio of the two tones, the unit of the dynamic range can be decibels, bits, files, or simply expressed as a ratio or multiple.
The Wide Dynamic Camera Technology is a technique by which the user can see the characteristics of the image under very strong contrast via the camera. In some occasions where the contrast between light and dark is too large, due to the limitation of the CCD's photosensitive characteristics, the background of the captured images will be easily too bright/the foreground of the captured images will be easily too dark. Later, Because of the wide dynamic technology emerged, and this problem has been solved.
So how about the applications of the Wide Dynamic Camera?
The Wide Dynamic camera is usually applied when the light environment is still ideal but the details of the target object cannot be obtained. That is to say, the wide dynamic technology is mostly used in places where light and dark alternate. When the surveillance camera cannot achieve low-illuminance monitoring, the wide dynamic technology needs to be used to "fill the light". In terms of the surveillance camera applications, the ordinary surveillance camera captures the images with the clear background but the dark foreground, while the wide dynamic camera can capture the images with both the clear foreground and background.
The Wide Dynamic Camera is usually applied to the Highway toll system, the Electronic police system, the City Commercial Street and so on; which is very useful and has brought much convenice to our life.
In a word, I hope that the introducton of the Wide Dynamic can make all of us know more about the Zoom Bullet Camera and the whole video monitoring field.