Planting spring watermelon density mastery

The watermelon plant covers a large area. Within a certain range, if the planting density increases, the yield will increase accordingly, but the weight of the watermelon will begin to decline. When the density is too high, the sugar content of the watermelon decreases, and the acidity inc.......

How to protect the grape growing season

Spring is the season when the grape buds spread out, and the elongation and heading and flowering of the branches spread. The spring grape management is strengthened to increase the grape yield and quality.

In the budding stage: irrigation with buds and applying nitrogen fertilizer.......

Countermeasure of Rotten Planting after Peanut Peanut Sowing

Peanuts are often badly sown before emergence after sowing, and the severe rotting rate is as high as 20%, resulting in varying degrees of deficient seedlings.

Rotten species: poor seed quality or improper storage, storage period is too long; low-lying terrain, soil viscosity, poor.......

A solution to the new national standard anaerobic conditions for the detection of Shigella

The newly released Shigella national standard GB_4789.5-2012 (national food safety standard _ food microbiology test _ Shigella test method) was implemented on July 17, 2012, the .......

Grape early spring tube note 6 points

One must scrape the skin. On perennial grape twigs, a layer of dead skin curls up every year. It should be plucked in early spring, buried deep or burned.

Second, spray lime sulfur mixture. If the bud is not germinating, spray 3-5 Baume degrees; if the bud has sprouted, then the co.......

Eat honey in spring

Eat honey in the spring is good, anti-aging anti-aging disease. Honey is the sweet substance stored in the hive after being fully brewed by the nectar collected by the honeybee or the honeydew exuded by the plant cells mixed with the saliva of the honeybee. So far,.......

Cleverly changing bean dregs

Bean curd residue is a by-product of the production of tofu and soy milk. Its high content of crude protein and crude fat is an inexpensive feed. However, raw soybean curd refuse contains antitrypsin and some toxic substances. Therefore, when feeding pigs, it is necessary to control the dosage.......