Cotton encounters management

Cotton is a more resistant crop. It was observed that the cotton plants were flooded for 48 to 72 hours, and the plants were in good condition after drainage. After being flooded for more than 10 days, the leaves were completely detached. The main roots rotted half and only the growing points did not die. The water was eliminated and managed in time. After 20 days, the cotton plants were The growth can be resumed; with flooding and row, cotton can die for more than 20 days and have a harvest. It can be seen that as long as the growth point of cotton is not dead, it will be able to obtain a better harvest as soon as the field management is strengthened. Comprehensive experience from all over the world, management of cotton suffering from disaster relief is "five-timely":

1. Remove stagnant water in time Although the plants can still grow after the water accumulated in the cotton fields, if the flooding time is too long, it will seriously affect the activity of the root system, and it will easily cause a large number of leaves and bud bells to fall off. It must be drained as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of Field water time.

2. In order to help seedlings and wash seedlings, the water is flooded and blown, and the root system is damaged, which often causes the cotton plants to fall down. After the drainage, the water must be straightened and straightened, and the sludge on the leaves and branches must be washed to facilitate photosynthesis. Promote plant growth.

3. Timely cultivator, soil-cultivated soil after the drainage of cotton fields soil compaction, poor ventilation, water, gas and heat conditions are seriously out of balance, must be cultivated early, remove the compaction, and combine cultivator soil, in order to increase soil temperature and prevent lodging of the plant rhizosphere .

4. Timely application of fertilizers After the cotton fields were flooded, soil nutrients were largely lost, and the ability of the roots to absorb energy was weakened. Applying timely fertilizers was very beneficial to the recovery of cotton plants and the addition of autumn peaches. Before the growth of the cotton plant is resumed, the foliar spraying is the main method; after the cotton plant recovers, it can be 10 to 13 cm away from the cotton plant, and the ditch (hole) can be topdressed with 10 to 15 kg/mu or urea 5 ~7.5 kg/mu.

5. Prompt control of pests and diseases When the affected cotton plants resume their growth, the branches and leaves are young, and many early aphids are involved. In the later period, they are vulnerable to damage by cotton bollworms, cotton larvae, and other nematodes. Therefore, to early cure, cure, to ensure that each leaf must be guaranteed, every bud (bell) must fight to maximize the yield per plant. At the same time, due to the high humidity in the cotton field, it is easy to cause bad bells, and we must strengthen prevention and control. In addition, the cotton that suffers from flood disasters should appropriately postpone the time of top-down (usually 5 to 10 days before the normal cotton is topping), timely watering in the event of autumn drought, and artificial ripening at a later stage.

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