Food Vacuum Sealers,Vacuum Sealer Bags,Vacuum Sealer Machine Ningbo Shuangtuo International Trade Co., Ltd. , It's time to ripen the persimmon, but there are a lot of taboos to eat persimmons, and not paying attention can harm your health. Here are some of the taboos about eating persimmons!
1. Not to eat large quantities of persimmons The tannic acid in persimmons will form compounds that cannot be absorbed by the body with calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and other minerals in the food, making these nutrients unavailable, so eating more persimmons can easily lead to these minerals. lack of. In addition, persimmons contain more sugar, eating persimmons is more satiety than eating the same amount of apples and pears, which can affect appetite and reduce the intake of meals.
2. Should not eat fasting persimmons contain more tannic acid and pectin, persimmon contains a lot of tannic acid, tannic acid in the role of gastric acid can be precipitated and condense into a block left in the stomach, the formation of "stomach persimmon stone." If the stomach persimmon stone can not be naturally discharged, it will cause obstruction of the digestive tract, resulting in severe pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, and even vomiting blood and other symptoms.
3. Do not eat together with the skin Do not think that chewing persimmon skin at the same time more than a single taste persimmon, this method of eating is not scientific. Because most of the tannic acid in the persimmon is concentrated in the persimmon skin, when the persimmon is astringent, it is impossible to completely remove all the tannins. If the skin is eaten together, the persimmon stone is formed more easily.
4. Do not eat together with protein-rich foods such as crabs, fish and shrimp. Crabs are rich in protein. When eating persimmons, they eat crabs. The protein in crabs meets the tannic acid in persimmons and can occur in the human stomach. It becomes solidified and becomes a lumps that are not easily digested and absorbed. It is prone to abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea, and even gastric persimmons.
5. Persimmon and sweet potato should not be the same because sweet potato contains more starch, and the stomach produces a lot of stomach acid. If you then eat the persimmon, the persimmon will precipitate under the action of stomach acid. The sediments accumulate together and form agglomerates that are insoluble in water. They are difficult to digest and are difficult to excrete. It is easy to get stomach persimmons. In severe cases, stomach perforation can be life-threatening.
6. After eating, we should say that the persimmon has high sugar content and contains pectin. Therefore, after eating the persimmon, part of the persimmon will remain in the mouth, especially in the teeth, and weak acidic tannins are very easy. Erosion of teeth, children are also easy to form dental caries. Therefore, after eating persimmons, you should drink a few saliva or gargle in time.