Morphological characteristics 1. Trees, 10-13m high. Bark gray, with lenticels, branches smooth. Leaves opposite; petiole length 5-12mm; leaf blade leathery, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 6-15cm long, 3-9cm wide, apex acute or dimpled, base broadly cuneate or rounded, entire, Smooth, glabrous, 3-5 main veins, abaxially prominent, fine veins irregularly reticulate; leaf axils with short tendrils. Conical cymes axillary, 3-5 cm long, 2.5-5 cm in diam., pubescent; involucre bracts and bracteoles small, triangular, apex pointed, pubescent; flowers white, sessile; calyx Green, apex 5-lobed, densely pubescent; corolla tube-shaped, apex 5-lobed, lobes ovate, densely dense short hairs; stamens 5, inserted at corolla tube throat, filaments very short, anthers yellow, elliptic; The pistil is 9.5-12mm long, cylindrical in shape, up to 11mm long, stigma head-shaped; oval in the house. Berry spherical, 2-4cm in diameter, green when young, orange when cooked, smooth surface. Seeds 1-4, disc-shaped, 1-3cm in diameter, the surface is grayish yellow, dense silver fluff. Flowering spring and summer, fruiting from August to next January. 2. Wooden vine, up to 20m. Bark grayish white; branchlets cylindrical, often metamorphose into single or paired spiral hooks. Leaves opposite; petiole length 5-7mm; leaf blade leathery, elliptic to obovate, 7-12cm long, 3-4.5cm wide, apex acute or short acuminate, base cuneate or suborbicular, entire, entire surfaces Smooth and glabrous; veins 3-veined, abaxially raised. Conical cymes terminal, ca. 4 cm; pedicels and pedicels pubescent; calyx green, apex 5-cleft, lobes ovate, outside trichomes, margin lashes; corolla tube, yellow-white, long About 10mm, apex 5-lobed, lobes ovate, ca. 4mm, inner surface base pilose; stamens 5, inserted at throat of corolla tube, filaments very short, anthers slightly dew; pistil ca. 8mm, style slender, Stigma headlike; ovary narrowly ovate. Berry spherical, diameter 4-6cm, orange when cooked. Seeds oblong, 2-3 cm long, flattened, light gray mane. Flowering from April to June, fruiting from August to next January. Trees, 5-25 meters high. Branches are covered with hairs when old and old branches are shed. Leaf blade papery, suborbicular, broadly elliptic to ovate, 5-18 cm long, 4-13 cm wide, apically short acuminate or cuspidate, base rounded, sometimes shallowly cordate, glabrous above; basal Vein veins 3-5, with reticular veins; petiole length 5-12 mm. Conical cymes axillary, 3-6 cm long; peduncle and pedicels micropilose; bracts small, pubescent; flowers 5-merous; calyx lobes ovate, outer densely pubescent; corolla greenish-white, After metamorphose to white, 13 mm long, corolla tube longer than corolla lobe, glabrous outside, inner surface only corolla tube base villous, corolla lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. 3 mm; stamens inserted in corolla tube Ministry, anthers elliptic, 1.7 mm long, extending beyond corolla tube, filaments extremely short; pistil long 9.5-12 mm, ovary ovate, glabrous, style cylindrical, up to 11 mm, glabrous, Stigma headlike. Berry spherical, 2-4 cm in diameter, orange when ripe, with seeds 1-4; seeds flat disc-shaped, wide 2-4 cm, surface grayish yellow, dense silver hair. Flowering season in spring and summer, fruiting period from August to next January. China Extract Powder For Use As Dietary Supplement Extract Powder, Extract Powder Manufacturer Shaanxi Kang New Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. ,