Guide to pea cultivation techniques

Pea avoids continuous cropping with other leguminous crops, and also avoids acid soil. Before planting, turn the soil about one foot deep and fully saturate. Generally, the breadth is 5 feet wide, and it is usually double-row planted with a plant .......

Can you use brassin?

Brassinolide is a plant growth regulator that mainly stimulates vegetative growth of plants, similar to gibberellic acid, and is mostly used for foliar fertilizers, which can quickly improve the quality of agricultural products and achieve a significa.......

Which vegetables are suitable for planting in September?

The climate in September is very suitable for the growth and cultivation of leafy vegetables, such as sage, lettuce, coriander, and green stalk.

In the middle of the year, the autumn season is ushered in. At this time, the temperature is s.......

Reasonable picking of leaves and flowers in the zucchini

In the greenhouse, the zucchini must be properly picked during the fruit-bearing stage, and thinning flowers must be taken to protect it, so that it can thrive and obtain high yields.
The picking of the leaves should depend on the growth of t.......

Artemisia argyi planting technology and planting time

Artemisia argyi is also known as the emperor dish. It is a wild vegetable that can be seen everywhere in the countryside. It is understood that in ancient China, it was still a tribute dish, so it was the reputation of the emperor's dish. Nowa.......

Konjac planting steps and management points

Konjac is a less common ingredient, but it is very popular in some places, so it is also grown by many farmers. Konjac can grow for many years, and the management is relatively simple. Today, I will talk about the planting steps and management poi.......

Anticancer effect of IL-18 with Armored CAR-T cell therapy

CAR-T therapy is one of the most promising treatments for cancer. Its anti-tumor effect is inseparable from the activity and expansion ability of T cells. In the previous issue, we have introduced that the addition of key cytokines will improve the efficacy of T cells. Overcoming the immunosupp.......

Essentials of luffa cultivation techniques

Select the sowing seeds at a higher temperature, the seedlings grow slowly at low temperatures, and it is feasible to transplant or direct seeding. It is generally necessary to germinate before sowing, soak t.......