Do not eat too much fruit in summer!


Litchi is a unique fruit that is unique to southern China. It tastes delicious and delicious. However, litchi should not be eaten too much, otherwise it may suffer from litchi disease. Because most of the monosaccharides contained in litchi are fructose, fructose must be catalyzed by a series of enzymes after being absorbed by the body, so that glucose can be converted into glycogen for energy storage or to be used for oxidation by tissue cells.

If you eat too much lychee at a time and you take in too much fructose, the blood sugar (blood glucose is the concentration of glucose in the blood) is lower than normal and causes hypoglycemia. Therefore, litchi disease is an acute disease caused by hypoglycemia, manifested as early onset, often with sweating, cold extremities, fatigue, abdominal pain, laxation and other symptoms as early symptoms, followed by sudden convulsions, coma. If you do not cure, you can die within hours. In particular, children should pay attention to not eating too much, otherwise it will seriously affect their health.


Watermelon has a cool and cool taste. Whenever it is hot and thirsty and heartburn is hot, it may be appropriate to eat watermelon to relieve heat and heat. However, eating more is not good for your health. This is because, from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, watermelon is cold and excessive consumption can easily cause symptoms such as cold stomach, abdominal fullness, and decreased digestive power. In addition, watermelon contains very rich sugar, eat more watermelon, it will consume a lot of sugar, excess carbohydrates accumulated in the body into fat, make the body fluid into an acidic environment, affect human health, but also affect the balance of the diet , so that the intake of protein, minerals, etc., resulting in nutritional imbalance. Therefore, watermelon should not eat more.


Persimmons are seasonal fresh fruits of autumn. In the fruit, the sweetness of the persimmon is in the first place. It is known as the “sweetest fruit” and the persimmon cake made of persimmons is even sweeter. Persimmons are not only delicious but nutritious. However, there are also deficiencies in persimmons, and eating too much can also be harmful. The persimmon contains a certain amount of tannin (tannin), which has a higher content of persimmon, and when the persimmon is eaten, the mouth is astringent and the tongue is the convergence of tannin. Tannin has a strong astringent effect, in the stomach easily combined with gastric acid, and thus solidified into a block, tannic acid and protein combined easy to produce precipitation, so long eat plenty of food, especially fasting to eat without peeling.


Hawthorn sweet and sour, with the special role of digestion and accumulation of food, is to increase appetite and help digestion one of the best fruit, but excessive consumption is harmful and useless. Hawthorn eaten too much will hurt people, because hawthorn contains a lot of vitamin C and fruit acids and other ingredients. Judging from the medicinal properties of food, hawthorn tastes sweet and sour. In ancient medicine, there was a record: "Hawthorn is broken and you should not eat more. Eat more food and gas, damage your teeth." Hawthorn is a product of broken gas and stagnation, and it is not appropriate for people who have weak spleen and stomach or who are taking ginseng and other qi drugs. edible. Children in the period of changing teeth, such as regular consumption of large amounts, is not conducive to the growth of teeth, but also affect appetite. Therefore, hawthorn should not be eaten too much.


Bananas are delicious fruits of citron, so some people eat bananas at one time. As everyone knows, this is very detrimental to health. Bananas contain many elements such as magnesium and potassium. Although these mineral elements are necessary for human health, if they are taken too much in a short period of time, it will cause a sharp increase in the content of magnesium and potassium in the blood, resulting in the body The imbalance of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements is harmful to health. In addition, eating more bananas will also result in greatly reduced gastric acid secretion causing gastrointestinal disorders and mood swings. Therefore, bananas should not be eaten excessively.


Apple is delicious, sweet and sour, nutritious, easy to eat, and can treat a variety of diseases, so it is widely loved by people. However, excessive consumption or overeating of apples can also cause many ills. This is because apples contain a lot of sugars and potassium salts, of which 100 mg of potassium per 100 g of apples, and only 14 mg of sodium, the ratio of potassium to sodium is too disparate, and excessive intake is not conducive to the health of the heart and kidneys. Especially for patients with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, nephritis, and diabetes, the burden on the heart and kidneys is increased, which is detrimental to health. Therefore, apples should not be eaten in excessive quantities. Generally, it is advisable to consume 1-2 servings per day.

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