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First, a pharmaceutical factory in the actual production mix sample loading situation figure 1)
Second, the industrial grade medium and low pressure preparative liquid chromatograph loading situation (wet method loading) Â figure 2)
 image 3)
Third, the results of analysis and discussion
It's safe to say that 99.9 percent of the time, users will use SARMS without any side effects. Current research has agreed with this conclusion
Lgd-4033, one of the most popular nonsteroidal SARM, significantly improves muscle mass and strength.
Ostarine (MK-2866) - essential for healthy athletes, maintaining body fat while increasing lean body weight.
S4 (Andarine) -- Receptor selects bone tissue, improves bone density, and can be used to treat osteoporosis.
RAD140 -- Exciting new SARM for building muscle and boosting strength.
Other SARMS like the GW-501516 are generally considered to improve endurance, and SR9009 is commonly used in conjunction with other SARMS.
Gw-501516 (Cardarine) and SR9009 (stenabolic) are not SARMS,GW is a PPAR receptor agonist and SR is a Rev-ERba agonist. Yet both are still sold as SARMS, known in the industry as SARMS. They are all very good at burning fat, especially for endurance.
The MK-677 is not SARM either, but is usually sold as SARMs. It's actually a growth hormone secretory hormone. It actually increases growth hormone production, not suppresses your growth hormone. People who use it will notice an increase in pituitary performance, a rapid increase in hunger, and even an increase in the efficiency of weight loss.
Lgd-4033 (Anabolicum) is an actual SARM and is probably the most consistent in terms of its use during calorie deficiency to prevent muscle atrophy. Users also reported an increase in lean muscle mass, strength and fat loss.
Mk-2866 (Ostarine) is also an SARM that is widely used for circulation and can also be used in appropriate doses for PCT or bridging. It is not inhibiting when used at 25 milligrams or less per day for four weeks or less. It is excellent at producing lean muscle mass, reducing fat and helping soft tissue health.
The S4 (Andarine) is an SARM known for its ability to improve power better than the LGD. It can also be used for lean muscle mass and fat reduction.
The RAD140 (Testolone) is the most popular SARM, which increases muscle mass,
Summary of wet loading improvement
Industrial-scale large-scale normal phase silica gel purification preparation and production are now mostly dry sample preparation, daily processing of a large number of crude products, time-consuming and laborious, the production can not be lifted, and will produce a large amount of dust affecting the health of the body and environmental pollution , causing losses and injuries in all aspects.
In this paper, the industrial grade medium and low pressure preparative liquid chromatograph (Lisui Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) can optimize the dry loading for wet loading, and the sample is directly added to the separation through a suitable purification system and chromatography precolumn. In the column, the dust and other damage and pollution to the operator and the environment during the production process are reduced, and the waste of manpower, material and time during the dry mixing of the sample is reduced, and the optimization of purification and separation, the improvement of the yield, and the optimization of the purification method are also ensured. Better separation. It can be used well in amplification or actual industrial production to achieve the desired effect.
1, Â Condition (mixed sample loading)
1) There are about tens of kilograms of crude product to be processed every day. The existing process is to load the crude product with normal phase silica gel after mixing, but the amount of crude product is large, requiring continuous operation and large workload. At the same time, workers are required to work in shifts for 24 hours, and the throughput is still below the production requirements. A large amount of dust and pollutants will be generated during the mixing process, which will also have a certain impact on the health of workers, resulting in low production efficiency.
2) crude thin layer chromatography as shown in Figure (1)
2 , the results
Due to the influence of the sample loading, the overall production efficiency is low, and the workload of the workers is large and cannot achieve the desired effect. Existing equipment can only be used in a dry-loaded manner, affecting overall production and efficiency.
3, Â Customer request
Use the automatic purification system equipment suitable for wet loading, design a reasonable wet loading method instead of dry mixing, save time, improve efficiency; improve the yield of target products; improve the working environment of the factory.
 Using industrial grade medium and low pressure preparative liquid chromatography (Lei Sui Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) conditions and results:
1. The crude product is directly treated by wet method, and the pre-column (Lisui Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) is used. Â To the ideal loading effect;
2, according to the influence of the wet method on the separation, using the automatic equipment to set different elution speed and elution  The ratio is purified and separated, and the ideal separation effect can be achieved by changing the flow rate and other factors according to the real-time display condition.
3, after the experimental purification, the map is shown in Figure (2)
It can be seen from the figure that the peak of the sample can be clearly seen under the ultraviolet detection system, and the real-time collection can be performed according to the peak condition, and the point plate is confirmed. After the plate is confirmed, it can be confirmed at 24min-37min and 42min-56min. Â The two components required for the two peak samples that appear in the interval.
Thin layer chromatography after separation and purification is shown in Figure (3)
Note: The leftmost point in the figure is the original sample, followed by the chromatogram of component A:B. The middle is the collected peak component of 24 min-37 min, and the rightmost part is the collected peak component of 42 min-56 min.
1) It is proved that wet loading can be used instead of dry mixing;
2) The ideal separation effect is achieved by wet loading, which is better than the traditional separation effect of the factory;
3) By contrast, wet loading greatly reduces the time required for dry mixing and sample loading, which greatly reduces the workload of workers and improves work efficiency. At the same time, the output is increased, the cost is saved, and higher profits are obtained;
4) It is proved that wet loading can reduce the damage to the operator and the environment caused by dust in the production process, and is more in line with today's production requirements;
5 ) The industrial grade medium and low pressure preparative liquid chromatograph (Lisui Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.) can effectively meet the requirements of all aspects of wet loading, so that the wet method can achieve the best results.
 In summary, wet loading can be used instead of dry mixing. Reduce the waste of manpower, material and time during dry mixing, save resources, achieve the purpose of saving time and effort, improve efficiency and output, and be well-received in industrial production.  Use to achieve the desired result.
In the normal phase silica gel purification and separation preparation experiment, the EZ Plus 100D (medium and low pressure purification system) and the pilot plant APPS Pilot were used according to different loading conditions. Â Industrial equipment APPS Process (Lei Sui Technology Suzhou Co., Ltd.) and independently designed production pre-columns and production chromatography columns. It can be well purified and separated by wet method, which can obtain a good purification and separation effect, so as to replace the dry sample mixing, avoiding the shortage and hidden trouble of dry loading, which can be fully utilized in actual purification and separation production. Use to achieve better results.