Increase coloring to make Apple "sell"

When apple branches are cut off and combined with summer shears, the branches are changed in time in September, and the implementation of picking leaves and fruit transfer should be preceded by the elimination of competition on the lighting stem branch, the upright branch on the main branch, the sprouting branch, and the extension branch. Branches, control fruit Taiwan branch, improve the results of the site of light.

One week after the apple was picked and transferred, it began to remove 3 to 5 "rosette leaves" directly touching the fruit surface and directly shading the leaves around the fruit, so that the fruit surface obtained direct light and promoted fruit surface coloration.

The degree of picking leaves: After 5-6 days after picking the leaves, gently hold the fruit to rotate, and turn the shade to the sunny side. If there is still a small amount of uncolored color, wait 5 to 6 days before continuing to switch to full coloring.

Picking leaves and transforming fruits: First, timely picking leaves must not be premature; Second, picking leaves need to retain the petiole, fruit transfer should be carried out in one direction, to avoid the handle is screwed off; Third, transfer should be carried out in the morning and evening, to avoid At noon to prevent sunburn.

The apple-tree shop is covered with a silver-gray plastic reflective film between the rows and rows of trees in the week prior to bag removal, and the reflected light is used to uniformly color the fruits.


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