Diabetics have many dietary taboos which foods can not eat

People with diabetes have a lot of dietary taboos. Do you know what people with diabetes can't eat? Here's an inventory of the three foods. Although the nutritional value is very good, but for diabetics it is easy to cause protein metabolism disorders, giving us blood sugar control trouble Should try to avoid eating foods.

Foods that are easy to raise blood sugar: white sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, glucose, maltose, honey, chocolate, toffee, fruit sugar, candied fruit, canned fruit, soft drinks, juices, sweet drinks, jams, ice cream, cookies, cakes, sweets Bread and confectionery.

Diabetes should not drink. Because the alcohol contained in the wine does not contain other nutrients for heat energy only, the calorific value per kilogram of alcohol is about 7 kcal (294 joules). Long-term drinking is unfavorable to the liver and can easily cause the rise of serum triglycerides. A small number of patients taking sulphonylureas hypoglycemic agents, after drinking, prone to flustered, shortness of breath, red cheeks and other reactions. Insulin patients who drink alcohol on an empty stomach are prone to cause hypoglycemia. Therefore, it is better to not drink alcohol for the safety of the patient.

Diabetes should eat less or not eat fruits. Because the fruit contains more carbohydrates, and mainly glucose, sucrose, starch. The speed of digestion and absorption after eating can quickly lead to elevated blood sugar, which is unfavorable for diabetics. Therefore, diabetes should not generally eat more fruits. However, due to the fact that fruits contain more pectin, pectin has the effect of delaying the absorption of glucose. Therefore, when the disease is stable, you can eat less fruits.

There are many tips for eating on a diabetes diet. Not only do you learn to choose the type and quantity, but you also need to know the right timing.

1. For patients whose condition is not well controlled and whose blood sugar is still high, it is best not to eat fruit for the time being. When fasting blood glucose is below 8mmol/L and stable for some time, consider eating, but choose the appropriate time.

2. If you have conditions, you can self-monitor blood sugar before and after eating fruit, adjust and select the appropriate fruit variety according to the change of blood sugar. After mastering the rules, you can skip testing.

3, when eating fruit can not eat as much as normal people like how much to eat, there must be a concept of quantity. In general, diabetics can eat 3 to 4 fruits a day, of course, fruit with a low glycemic index.

4, in the choice of fruit, in principle, the preferred sugar content is lower or less sweet foods, the highest sugar content of fruit (refers to the sugar content of more than 14% of the fruit) is best not to eat. You can also refer to the fruit's glycemic index and choose a fruit with a lower glycemic index.

5, the best time to eat fruit between meals (for example, 10:00, around 4 pm), to avoid eating immediately after the meal.

In addition, there is a fruit that is particularly suitable for diabetics to eat, that is, blueberries.

The content of trace elements in blueberries is generally higher than that of other fruits. The discovery of the anthocyanin health-care effect is regarded as one of the most important findings of nutrition in the 20th century. It has the effect of inhibiting the elevation of blood glucose, and it can not only regulate the blood glucose level, reduce the amount of insulin injection, but also prevent the complications of blindness, foot ulcers and the like caused by vascular lesions in diabetic patients who need to take hypoglycemic agents and insulin injections. .

Because the free radicals in patients with diabetes are very high, they will increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and other diseases. Long-term supplements such as anthocyanins and other antioxidants can reduce free radicals in the body and have a significant effect on the symptoms of diabetes. It also has a preventive effect on related chronic diseases caused by diabetes. In Europe and the United States, natural antioxidants such as anthocyanins have been used for a long time to fight serious complications in patients with diabetes.

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