New research shows that HIV/AIDS has spread and mutated around 1970

New research shows that HIV/AIDS has spread and mutated around 1970

November 03, 2016 Source: Science Network /

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In 1982, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sociologist William Darrow and colleagues from California came to California to investigate the surge in Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin cancer, among gay men. Darrow was suspected at the time that the skin cancer, which later proved to be a complication of HIV infection, was transmitted through sexual activity but suffered from no evidence. However, on the day of April, Darrow made a breakthrough – three men from three different countries told him that they had sex with the same man, the French Air Canada flight attendant Gaétan Dugas. .

CDC researchers found Dugas in New York City when he was treating Kaposi's sarcoma. With the help of the latter, scientists confirmed the relationship between HIV and sexual behavior. They referred to Dugas as “zero patient” in the study. However, due to the misunderstanding of journalists and the public, the flight attendant was “famous” for bringing HIV to the United States. For many years, Dugas and his family have been vilified for this.

But is Dugas bringing HIV to the United States? An HIV analysis conducted a few decades ago with serum samples finally cleared the French Canadian who died in 1984. The study showed that HIV was circulating in North America at least in the 1970s, and that the epidemic came from Africa through the Caribbean to the continent.

The researchers reported the findings in the October 26 issue of Nature.

Richard McKay, a historian at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and co-authors of the study said that scientists have been suspicious of the single "zero patient" argument because some evidence suggests that HIV has entered North America several times.

The research team led by McKay and Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, wanted a clearer roadmap for HIV to reach the North American continent. In this study, scientists re-examined more than 2,000 serum samples collected by some clinics in the United States from 1978 to 1979 for testing hepatitis B, all from gay men. The team found enough HIV “gene traces” in three of San Francisco and five samples from New York to carry out detailed gene sequencing.

The researchers compared the sequencing results and found that the HIV samples from the eight samples were similar to the samples of HIV strains in the Caribbean, especially those found in Haiti in the early 1970s. These strains already have different genes. characteristic. This means that HIV began to spread and mutate in San Francisco and New York around 1970 and may have been introduced through the Caribbean.

McKay said that Dugas was only a teenager in the early 1970s, and it is unlikely to have an active sex life, and it is even less likely to have sex with hundreds of people.

The researchers' analysis of the Dugas blood sample also showed that the HIV strain in his blood was only a typical virus strain that appeared in the United States at the time, and it was not a special "source" for the spread of the virus.

Worobey pointed out that Dugas is just like many people, and is infected with the virus before it gets attention.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said: "To some extent, there is always a need for someone to take responsibility for the history of a disease." In the age of the public, it was particularly easy for the public to direct their anger to those "chaotic" gay men.

McKay pointed out that this study is a lesson that shows how difficult it is to scientifically and ethically determine a “zero patient”. He added that the scientific cognition of pursuing a disease has a real and significant impact on a man and even his family.

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