Recently, Wang Yongjun, a melon planter in Wangzhuang Village, Wangcun Township, Daming County, reported that the occurrence of muskmelon was severe. The author's current identification and prevention and treatment of this disease are described below for reference. Broom disease mainly damages the main vines, side vines and branches of melon, and it also harms the leaves, petioles and fruits. On the occurrence of the leaves, brown "V" shaped lesions were first produced on the margins of the leaves, the outer edges were pale yellow, and there were inconspicuous concentric ring patterns, after which the entire leaves died. The onset of petioles, yellow-brown elliptic to bar-shaped lesions, posterior disease contracture, dead leaves and branches. The stem vine disease, first in the vines at the Department of light yellow spots, the secretion of brown jelly, later changed brown lumps, lesions dry, depression, the upper part of the small black spots. Onset of the disease, the initial appearance of water-soaked lesions, the central brown, irregular circular star-shaped rupture after drying, resulting in melon rot. Longitudinal diseased stems show that the pathogens mainly damage the epidermis, and the vascular bundles do not change color. This is the main difference from the wilt disease. The pathogenic bacteria overwinter in the diseased body and the soil, and the seeds can also carry the bacteria, which can be re-infected by rainwater and airflow. Invasion of water holes and wounds from internodes, leaves, leaf margins of stems and vines. Precipitation, rainfall, high temperature and humidity, continuous cropping, dense planting, and poor ventilation all contribute to the disease. Pharmaceutical control methods: After the onset, 42.8% of fluconazole fungicides can be used as 1500 times liquid, 60% oxime ether can be used in combination with water to disperse granules 750 times solution, 45% prochloraz 1500 times, and 25% azoxystrobin can be used. Ester-suspending agent 1500 times solution + 20% copper rosinate emulsion 2000 times, 85% tributerrin? F moldy WP 750 times + 2.5% fludioxonil suspension 1500 times, or 1+1 for root disease (45 grams) 15 kilograms of water spray control. Caladium Praetermissum,Caladium Bicolor,Caladium Humboldtii,Caladium Cultivars fanhua nursery ,